As the Quanum Enterprise Content Solutions Centre of Excellence, Cercle Group, at its most basic level, consists of a team of people that promote collaboration and integration in health settings using best practices around Enterprise Content Solutions to drive business results in Canadian healthcare.
The Cercle Group Centre of Excellence serves 5 healthcare needs:
1. Support: providing subject matter experts
2. Guidance: Standards, methodologies, tools and knowledge repositories are typical approaches to filling this need
3. Shared Learning: Training and certifications, skill assessments, team building and formalized roles are all ways to encourage shared learning.
4. Measurements: demonstrate they are delivering the valued results that justified their creation through the use of output metrics.
5. Governance: Allocating limited resources (money, people, etc.) across all their possible use is an important function of the Cercle Group.
- invest in the most valuable projects
- create economies of scale for their service offering
- coordination across other corporate interests
We are a Professional Services group with extensive “Operational” Canadian Health experience with a core competency on Enterprise Content Solutions knowledge & expertise.